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Get involved

Stopping suicide starts with all of us.

Find out how you can play your part in rejecting living miserably and supporting our life-saving services.

Uniting against suicide takes a movement - and we need as many people as possible to join us. Shouting about what we do and our life-saving helpline can make a life-changing difference.

To keep up to date with everything we’re up to (and see some bad puns), sign up to our Newsletter or follow us on socials.

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Want to get your hands on some CALM materials? Whether it’s leaflets or collection buckets, tell us about your plans and we’ll let you know how to order. Get t-shirts, coasters, stickers and a whole heap of other cool stuff.

order materials by telling us your plans


Head to our downloads page to get what you need to stand with us and smash the stigma around suicide. Use them to shout about us on socials, put up posters in your local or take your fundraising to the max.

explore CALM downloads